Office of the Director
FSM Personnel Office
- Announcement No: POC-005-2024
- Opening Date: 01/26/2024
- Closing Date: Until Filled
P.O. Box PS-35
Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941
Tel: (691) 320-2618/2642
Email: [email protected]
The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) seeks well qualified individuals to fill the position of Project Coordinator for the FSM Department of Education Certificate in Education Leadership, Policy, and Practice (CELPP) project. This position is based under the FSM Department of Education throughout the 2 remaining years of the project. Project CELPP is funded by the US DOE Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and will certify 16 scholars in Education Leadership Practices. The Project coordinator is a critical role for ensuring the project’s success.
The Position:
General Duties: The Project Coordinator will be responsible for implementing the day-to-day implementation of project activities, including implementation of the project work plan, coordinating the activities of the Stakeholder Group and the Technical work Group, and providing oversight to scholars with regards to meeting the objectives of their scholar portfolios and certificates requirements. The Project Coordinator will also work with NDOE IT to set up and maintain a personnel training tracking system. In addition, the Project Coordinator will work closely with the Project Directors and Evaluation and Data Specialist to draft reports and the annual OSEP grant performance report.
Other Specific Duties and Responsibilities:
- Implement CELPP Work Plan, in collaboration with the management team.
- Maintain tracking system for all project tasks.
- Maintain data tracking system of coursework and scholar portfolios.
- Support scholars, mentors, instructors in meeting timelines, using project templates, and following established procedures.
- Support project evaluation activities.
- Facilitate communication about the project with stakeholders, the general public, and support other outreach activities as assigned.
- Communicate information to scholars, mentors, instructors, and technical workgroup members.
- Manage day to day activities of project.
- Plan and participate in project meetings with OSEP Project Officer, Project Management Tea, and Technical Workgroup.
The Incumbent: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s degree in Education or related field is preferred for this position. At Least 3 years work experience in project management, coordination, and supervision is required. The Candidate must possess strong verbal and written communication skills, as well as good organizational and interpersonal skills. The Candidate must be able to track and manage details and have strong ability to coordinate multiple tasks.
Benefits: A salary range from $19,500.00 but not to exceed $22,500.00 per annum depending upon the qualification of the applicant. Housing, travel and relocation will be provided if applicable.
To Apply: Complete application materials will include: letter of interest, resume/curriculum vitae, three (3) letters of reference, and copies of education credentials. Submit resume or application by mail or email to this addresses.
Dept, of Education/SPED
P.O. Box PS-87
FSM National Government
Kolonia, Pohnpei FM 96941
Phone No. 320-8982/1055
Email: [email protected]
Personnel Office
P.O. Box PS-35
FSM National Government
Palikir, Pohnpei FM 96941
Phone No. 320-2618/2642
Email: [email protected]
The Office of Personnel will be accepting application/resume from February 23, 2024 until filled.