Special Services Assistant Secretary
Arthur Albert
Special Services
Department of Education
FSM National Government
We want all eligible students with disabilities throughout the Federated States of Micronesia to have access to educational opportunities that would allow them to achieve both academic and functional goals. Meeting both academic and functional goals would require increasing the duration of instructional time that special education students receive with their nondisabled peers, accessing and benefiting from the same instructional lessons. While ensuring compliance with US Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements and FSM Department of Education’s strategic goals and mandates, the Division of Special Services focuses on improving the performance of students with disabilities on statewide assessments, and increasing the number of students with disabilities graduating with a diploma, among other performance measures.
This website (http://dss.edu.fm/) is intended to show our progresses in reaching these indicators of performance, a total of 17 indicators we report annually on to the US DOE Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and FSM DOE. This website provides data to inform the general public and to help guide our improvement efforts. It contains information on special education enrollment, program characteristics, student achievement, and personnel. It also provides parents with tools to help research and better understand the programs in different states and schools. Educating all our students to their fullest potential continues to be our top priority. I hope you find this website useful and please let us know how we can improve this website and our services by email to [email protected] or call one of the telephone numbers listed below or you can call your State Special Education Coordinator.
Mission Statement: To provide leadership, assistance, oversight, and resources so that each student in need of special education is provided for.
If there is anything we can assist with you, please visit us at the FSM Department of Education or call 691-320-8982/1055.